Its always fun to read old resolutions.
Click here to read Pirtan's 2010 Resolutions. Now the Big Question? how many of you Pirtans have lived up to your resolutions? Or what are the things that you have done to keep up to your vows?
Shuaib's Resolution:
TO REDUCE MY WEIGHT!!!!!! HE HE :-) target to reduce at least 10 Kilo!!!
Srikanth's Resolution:
Even i have to reduce weight
Reagan's Resolution:
My resolution is to put on more weight and look smart and handsome like Sriki and our dear Shaheeb
Ram Charan's Resolution:
1st one is to be more happy than what i am.
2nd is to build my body an achieve 6packs
Arvind's Resolution:
Mine is to be fitter, and more active than am now.. Concentrate more on my health and overcome all the health issues...
Vinutha's Resolution:
There are a list of things I decide upon every time, but never keep 'em up, but this time I'm quite serious about it:-
1)Most importantly, I wanna stop being sissy and fretty and smile more often:), and remember to count my blessings..
2)Eat more healthy.
3)Keep up my promises.