Team Introduction and Bulletin

Welcome to PIRT International, Let me introduce you to The PIRTANS The Prankster-Arvind Swami The Motivator-Shuaib Director Shankar- Shankar The Angry young man-Sriki The Exploiter and Bullet Rider-Naveen The Silent Killer -Raghu Ronald Reagen aka Onsite PIRT Manager Arnold Shivajinagar,the Critic aka Ramu This is how unique we are but with one motive "FUN"
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Thursday, March 3, 2011

What happens in front of the trees

Yet again, Pirt's Secret agents have got some astonishing pictures. A PIRT couple was caught red handed, at 'Paradise Park'. Unknown by the fact that they were being spied, these two were enjoying themselves. 

A Spy cam shot, which shows the intimacy between these two
The other photos are too disturbing to be listed for public view.


ram said...

shuaib was feeling so shy, dono what naveen told him.Naveen seems to be involved both behind and in front of the trees.Dono whats going on with naveen, next thing he'll do is above the tree.

SpeakingSoul said...

Now we have to fit cams facing the top of the trees :P

I think this is what naveen was talking abt in his blog

Raghu said...

If the second photo is sensored n disturbing, then guys think about the other photos.I cannot imagine......

Shuaib said...

just cant stop laughing... i myself dono what naveen told... ;-) so guys be careful with naveen he has adapted few tactics... so you may be the next .. watch it...

Naveen said...

Aftr a long time we met n there are lots to share between us...U guys thought urself as Tehelka?? dont u guys have other business...? Mind ur own biz guys...Thu...ellu privacy illa...:)

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